Innovating The Swiss Branding Company

Brand strategy: the golden rules for successful marketing

Marketing requires perfect knowledge of the sector in which you operate and the target you are addressing. It's not enough to start an advertising campaign on Google Ads or on Facebook and fold your arms. Every action must be coherent with the objectives set and even before that with the available budget. In this article we discover the golden rules for successful marketing.


Develop a profitable branding strategy it means putting your ideas and intuitions to the test. It's a phase we need to get to prepared, a bit like athletes preparing for a race. If we skip all training sessions and just wait for day X we won't have any chance of winning, and even if we win it will be by pure luck (for example because the opponent is disqualified). What we have to do, on the contrary, is set up a targeted attack strategy, i.e. preparatory to achieving the desired result (more contacts, more sales, more reservations, more downloads of an ebook, etc.). How to succeed in this? And what to evaluate to understand if we are or are not effective? The answer is at the basis of the entire brand strategy journey and processye more generally about branding. Indeed, if it is true that marketing activities are, in theory, common to any business, in practice not all of them work in the same way without distinction.

If a YouTube channel would make little sense for an industry that produces components for the hospital sector, for a legal advisor it could be the keystone. If advertising on Instagram could work very well for an ecommerce, for a hardware store that operates in your area it would be an unnecessary expense. And so on ad infinitum. So the brand it must be studied and understood in its essence. The questions to ask are numerous and in the vicinity of a marketing campaign they must already have been resolved. The main ones include:

About us

A hotel, a company that sells exclusively B2B, an ecommerce site, a craftsman (plumber, electrician, etc.), a restaurant, an agricultural enterprise, a ski area, a start-up...

About us

Retail products, food and beverages, third-party services, technology items, consultancy for professionals, lessons and training, custom-made works and products, raw materials...

Who are our buyer personas?

Entrepreneurs, individuals, merchants, companies, families, public bodies, transport companies, schools and hospitals, hotels...

In which area do we operate?

In our local area (within 50-200km), in the north, east, south or west of the country, all over the country, all over Europe, some European countries, Europe and America, Europe and Asia, only Asia, exclusively online...

Position your brand, and aim accordingly at specific customer niches, allows for greater room for maneuver on all fronts. In the example above, our travel agency may specialize in travel to Lapland, or travel for singles, or travel for parents with small children. This would indeed narrow the target audience, in absolute terms, but would exponentially increase coverage in relative terms. If before we have a potential audience of 4 million people a year, however compared to 4.000 competing agencies, in scenario two the audience is reduced to 100.000 people/year, but with two/three players competing for the market. Summarizing:


There is talk of “below the line” techniques with reference to the imaginary line that divides the activities "above the line" (which do not have to do directly with sales) from those below the line, or above the line (which instead catalyze sales, and therefore are measurable in terms of conversions). If above the line we find for example the work of creating the logo and the payoff, the copywriting of the site contents or the photo shooting of the products to be included in the ecommerce, the above the line strategies include:

Social Media

The advertising on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok and other social media


Advertising on Google search network, Google display network, Google shopping, YouTube and the recent Performance Max

Videos and YouTube

YouTube videos in excellent content marketing (to generate traffic and therefore increase visits and contacts)


Blog articles, another content marketing technique through articles (posts), with the same objectives as videos

Marketing Funnels

Marketing funnels, to send potential customers a sequence of emails, written and enriched with multimedia content (videos, images, audio podcasts) capable of stimulating the audience


Sponsorship of events or initiatives, also and above all offline, in the sports, artistic and other fields

And the list goes on and on. To tell us where to aim, which activities to develop, and in what order, will be the answers to the questions we have seen a moment ago (as well as a good dose of experience). Trying advertising on Facebook - just to mention one of the most recurring attempts - will have a mild or even zero effect if the page itself will have few likes and few interactions (those who click the ads almost always check the popularity of the page or profile ). Writing and publishing articles, in equal measure, will produce little feedback in inflated sectors where hundreds of blog posts and portals related to that sector have already been published. That's why it's crucial know the brand and the market situation. Without these assumptions, every choice will be arbitrary and random.


It is very difficult, if not impossible, to summarize the strengths of the many systems for online and offline marketing. To fulfill this task, we at Innovando have preferred to write an entire ebook entitled How to promote your company. 34 pages of advice and images to understand the 15 infallible marketing systems, i.e. the promotion strategies to focus on (how and why). The ebook is present in the appropriate section of our portal, in free and unlimited download for all interested people. You can download it to your tablet or smartphone, or if you prefer you can print it and read it on paper. You'll find out that they exist different types of promotion:

  • Promotion and customer research on social networks
  • Promotion and customer research on Google
  • Promotion and customer research with videos
  • Promotion and customer research via email
  • Promotion and customer research with contests

For each of them there are methods, tools and rules to know, and it is said that one type excludes the other. On the contrary: it is often the marketing mix, the one that unites multiple angles of attack, that decides the success of a marketing campaign. Our task, as a qualified communication and marketing agency, is to identify the most promising avenues and proceed accordingly. This will be the final act of an all-round branding operation. The final act of an intense, tiring, but not without satisfactions journey.