eCommerce growing in 2020: what changes for sales?

For those who haven't figured it out yet, eCommerce is serious business. Just think of the data from Statista according to which, since 2014, sales have increased by 265%. And do some math of the rough diamond that we find ourselves in front of. Only those with the real skills to clean it up will be able to ride this incredible trend.

And, in the meantime, the internet changes. With the explosion of eCommerce everywhere and at all costs, users tend to be every day bombarded by thousands and thousands of visual stimuli even just by simply browsing their trusted websites. Thus the marketer finds himself in front of a substantially distracted user, not very attentive to those stimuli that once would have attracted his attention but which now, given the great mass stimulation, it becomes difficult to discern from the crowd.

What does the user do when he is distracted and is not buying? Maybe not even your products? According to 2019 statistics, every minute spent on the internet people use it to send 41,8 million Whatsapp/Messenger messages, watch 4,5 million Youtube videos and many other things. As far as eCommerce is concerned, we estimate that approximately $996.956 is spent online every minute.

How do you sell online in this chaos?

Good question! It is the meaning of this article and many others that you will probably find online. Unless your name has immediate media coverage, like Netflix, probably the majority of your users come from Google and social ads. Therefore, a good idea may be to integrate your eCommerce platform with Google Shopping, so as to remove an obstacle to the availability of your products.

Another great idea is to include miscellaneous payment options, in order to guarantee security and flexibility to those who find themselves using your site to buy. Let's just think of Afterpay, a system that allows you to pay the amounts due in a deferred manner, little by little. The payment options are never to be underestimated, such as the shipping costs and the likelihood that a high expense can cancel important orders.

Il the packaging it is assuming an importance that we cannot ignore. 87% of consumers say they are inclined to buy products and services from companies that demonstrate an interest in the environmental impact of their business. Many brands, therefore, have decided to radically change their approach to packaging, opting for options that are sustainable and, at the same time, beautiful to look at.

As already stated, i social media contribute decisively to the success of your eCommerce, and the numbers say it. Let's just think that since 2017 social referrals to sites have increased by 110%, and let's evaluate together what this means. It's simple: if you're not social, chances are you don't exist! Hence the importance of a social strategy within your social commerce policy.