How advertising on Amazon is changing: here is all the news from Ads

From Jeff Bezos an environment in strong development and continuous growth to satisfy small and large retailers: this is how the unBoxed of the future

Amazon Ads ads increased 25 percent in Q2022 XNUMX

Have you ever used amazon ads? With the storm winds that have recently hit the technology sector, advertising investments in 2023 are expected to suffer a slight drop, around 1 percent (data from the UNA Study Center and UNA Media Hub). Nonetheless, in the retail world the anthology of new opportunities continues, ready to be seized by marketers who are willing to feel the pulse of the market.

Amazon Ads is a rapidly developing and ever-growing environment. Indeed, it is not surprising that in the third quarter of 2022 Amazon advertisements are increased by 25 percent, thus reaching a turnover of around 9,5 billion dollars. Significantly higher figures than those of Google and YouTube.

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A high-performance marketing tool has replaced the old Amazon Marketing Service, Amazon Media Group and Amazon Advertising Platform (Photo: iStock)

A few words about Amazon Ads for the uninitiated

Amazon isn't just an eCommerce platform - it's one constellation of services that live and breathe thanks to the traction of the largest online shop in the world. Amazon Ads allows you to create e monitor advertisements paid within the ecosystem Amazon, in a simple and intelligent way.

This high-performance marketing tool has replaced the old Amazon Marketing Service, Amazon Media Group and Amazon Advertising Platform.

It works with the classic PPC system, or Pay per Click: the advertiser starts the campaign and pays only when the end user actually clicks on the ad. By typing a keyword into Amazon's internal search engine, the results that emerge are not only the result of the organic feed, but are also enriched by “sponsored” elements through Amazon Ads. Sponsored items are more visible and, consequently, more usable.

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Amazon Ads, the homepage
The Amazon Ads homepage guides you through creating campaigns dedicated to your products.

What's new in Amazon Ads for 2022

During Amazon unBoxed 2022, the annual Amazon Ads conference, some new features emerged that will soon be implemented on all geolocated platforms. The main theme of the conference was the introduction of new video formats and the new tools that Ads will make available to advertisers in order to meet market needs. We talked about: Sponsored Display Video Creative, Video Builder and Amazon Creative Services. The goal is simplify the work of advertisers, large and small, making more demand-side platform (DSM) capabilities available.

In addition to the new features we also find the Amazon Marketing Cloud, a data clean room that aggregates user-based advertising data and makes it available to advertisers, so as to help them formulate advertising campaigns tailored to their target audience and make more informed decisions.

Le Performance Recommendations help make more accurate guesses when discussing sponsored products (Sponsored Products): in other words, amazon ads guides the advertiser with suggestions that help create more impactful and timely marketing campaigns. Suggested keywords, prioritize items, or recommendations for overall product performance.

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Amazon Ads: buying on Amazon is an increasingly common practice in the world, with obvious benefits also for Ads
Buying on Amazon is an increasingly common practice in the world, with obvious benefits also for Ads

The future of advertising on Amazon

As companies work hard to improve their approach to consumers, they are trying new ways to build lasting relationships and loyalty, advertising formats evolve.

Advertising is no longer intrusive and hostile, but has transformed as much as possible to adhere to needs and requirements of the consumer looking for a product. Amazon Ads is also no exception, and is evolving: to remain number one, it has chosen to integrate retail with a parallel transversal and highly effective marketing channel. In short, Amazon not only sells you the sales platform, but also the tools to sell better. Everyone wins, e Amazon wins the most.

Amazon's new features prove themselves relevant not only for big sellers who move large volumes and often have such advanced and dedicated marketing knowledge. They also adhere to the needs of the small sellers, which move low volumes, and at the same time have more need of assisted marketing tools to work better and sell more effectively.

In other words, in future goals, Amazon aims to become the answer to the question: I have a newborn business and I want to sell online, where can I do it? But also to: I already have a proprietary eCommerce but I want to increase business volumes, where can I do it?

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Amazon Ads: Amazon Ads, like eCommerce, is a fast-paced and growing environment
Amazon Ads, like eCommerce, is a rapidly developing and growing environment (Photo: iStock)