Digital transformation and the changing world

The outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic is putting the world in front of an epochal change that accelerates digital transformation processes.

Will we go extinct? No.
Will we all die? No.
Will we all end up living off berries and hunting elephants? No.
Will the world end? No.

None of this. But many things will change. Someone will begin to understand that we entered the digital age some time ago, that there is a process that has been going on for several decades now called Digital Transformation. Even my 85-year-old mother-in-law calls her daughters with Whatsapp in videoconference.

It will happen that many companies will begin to understand, in order not to succumb, that COMMUNICATION it's not just opening your mouth at the bar and that the communication processes have become COMPLEX and must be GOVERNED and I emphasize MUST.
Because the awareness that the world is interconnected and not global is necessary and that distances are shortened through digital tools.

I've always said that the keyword for these years will be SECURITY. This, precisely because of the digital transformation processes which necessarily have to be SUSTAINABLE otherwise they become few. Security does not only mean access to data limited only to those who are authorized but the consequences that this data can bring to third parties in terms of information. SUSTAINABILITY it means involving as many subjects as possible in this great and convulsive process of transformation which will necessarily change our behavior and our social relationships.

The Copernican revolution that the INTERNET is bringing within the organizational and industrial processes of companies is enormous, perhaps the greatest revolution that man has ever seen since he began to write and to imprint his own experiences and memories in his collective memory . We often don't understand all the aspects or perhaps we tend to minimize them or not notice them, this revolution is so pervasive, indeed we tend to take note of it and change our behaviour.

One of the most critical, difficult to understand and/or difficult points for many companies is how much the digital transformation will change forever not so much the production processes (even these) but above all the ORGANIZATIONAL and REPORT with the outside. Digital transformation will predominantly affect whether or not a company is able to CREATE business, of IMAGINE its role in the market and to relate to the public in a winning way. Herein lies the crux of the matter. Relations with the public, with its employees, with customers, with suppliers, with all those who directly or indirectly come into contact with the company are and will be part of a process of identifying one's social responsibility at the part of a wider process of digital transformation. This is why the digital transformation must also be SUSTAINABLE, because it is such if it has a positive impact on everyone by enhancing the abilities of individuals and if it creates opportunities that can be welcomed and seized by future generations.

Those who produce semi-finished metal products or handcrafted shoes or beer or low-tech products will continue to maintain their standards and production models and in this sense the digital transformation will be felt less (perhaps) but this does not mean that it cannot have huge effects on everything else. All the financial, communication, marketing, organizational and personnel management aspects are aspects that are influenced by the transition from the concept of "PRODUCT ORIENTED" to that of "SERVICE ORIENTED" and even more to the concept of "CLIENT-ORIENTED” which is precisely the fundamental element that sublimates and finalizes the digital transformation process. In the end, the network wins and the network is all of us users of services.

Companies have not been at the center for a long time, the public in its individuality is and communicating with each of these individuals becomes impossible if you don't start letting INTERNET in their own factories.
And how to do it, how to take this path we know well since we started 20 years ago!