Marketing automation and funneling: what they are and why use them

The web has long been an invaluable ally for all small, medium and large companies looking for new users and customers. In fact, online marketing activities allow you to improve brand awareness and reach increasingly large audiences. Provided, however, that you know how to properly exploit the tools that the medium makes available. Even if the lead generation it may seem simple, the exact opposite is true: the risk of creating ineffective and profitable campaigns, in fact, is much greater than one might think.

Innovating GmbH for years it has been supporting small and medium-sized Swiss and Italian companies in their digitization process, offering them tools and support necessary to improve online brand awareness and activate lead generation processes. Precisely in this scenario, the birth of partnership between Innovando GmbH and SitoVivo assumes strategic importance: our customers will have the opportunity to use advanced marketing automation and funneling tools, fully GDPR/LPD compliant for both the Italian and Swiss markets.

To implement an efficient and effective online promotion strategy, it is increasingly important to know what is marketing automation, what are the advantages it offers and, above all, what are the best tools to automate our company's lead generation processes.

What is marketing automation

As the name also suggests, when we talk about marketing automation (and funneling automation) we refer to the possibility of using tools and platforms for automate repetitive digital marketing actions. Among the activities and processes that are usually automated we find lead collection, sending emails or publishing landing pages online, tracking the behavior and preferences of our website users and much more.

Why do marketing automation and funneling: the advantages

The activation of marketing automation processes can therefore bring great benefits both for companies entering the world of digital marketing for the first time, and for those that already have an established online presence. In both cases, in fact, it will be possible to optimize efforts, budget and time, avoiding wasting resources - human and economic - in digital promotion campaigns destined to fail.

The ability to automate repetitive actions, in fact, allows you to save your precious time to devote to other activities. The time that was previously dedicated to setting up and sending email marketing campaigns, for example, can be dedicated to designing the campaign itself, which will thus be more effective.

At the same time, the automation of audience segmentation will allow you to send personalized messages to its users based on socio-personal factors and/or their preferences. The marketing department will thus be able to create campaigns tailored to the characteristics of each individual segment, improving the opening rate and, consequently, the ROI of the campaigns themselves.

How to do marketing automation and funnel automation: the tools

It goes without saying that such complex automation operations cannot always be carried out in complete autonomy. On the contrary: it is in fact necessary to use marketing automation software and funnel automation that allow you to make the most of the potential of these tools and activate lead generation processes useful for increasing your company's online sales.

Before buying a marketing automation and funneling tools, however, we must be careful: it is not at all true that one platform is as good as another and they all do the same things. The mistake you risk making is to rely on a platform that offers tools that are not calibrated for the needs of your company and pay too much money for a tool that you don't need.

Good marketing automation software should allow you to:

  • Track and analyze user behavior on its website;
  • Segment your audience based on various demographic and social factors;
  • Create lead generation and nurturing campaigns (such as email marketing or advertising campaigns on search engines and social networks) that allow you to acquire new audiences and retain existing ones
  • Create reports on campaign progress

To recognize an effective and efficient marketing automation tool, other aspects must also be evaluated, such as:

  • Easy to use
  • Possibility of integration with other software and tools
  • Power of analytics and tracking tools
  • Support
  • Scalability.

La partnership between Innovando GmbH and SitoVivo allows small and medium-sized Italian and Swiss companies to be able to fully exploit the potential of marketing automation relying on two solid companies with decades of know-how in the field of digital marketing. A collaboration that will guarantee companies a 360° support in their digitization process and thus strengthen their online presence (and sales).