Parma is increasingly a promised land of urban reforestation

Between Busseto and Sissa Trecasali over three thousand trees planted in favor of environmental sustainability, hydraulic safety and protection of biodiversity

Urban reforestation: two new peri-urban forests, for 1084 trees and shrubs and 9.000 square meters of surface area, were inaugurated in Sissa Trecasali (Parma)
The “Bosco De Andrè” and the “Bosco Maria Luigia” are a project made possible thanks to the “Let's Put Roots for the Future” tender

At the end of March, the city of Parma and the surrounding area significantly accelerated the process of urban reforestation, which increasingly sees them as an Italian and European point of reference.
On Tuesday 26 March, two new peri-urban forests were inaugurated in Sissa Trecasali, the result of the collaboration between the Municipality of the same name, the Emilia-Romagna Region, the KilometroVerdeParma Forestry Consortium, and the companies Lesaffre, Corteva Agriscience and Montecchi Spa SB.
“Bosco De Andrè” and “Bosco Maria Luigia” are the names of the two new “green lungs” with a total of 1084 trees and shrubs planted for a total of 9.000 square meters of afforested surface area in favor of environmental sustainability, hydraulic safety, protection of biodiversity and defense against climate change in the area.
A project that was made possible thanks to the "Let's Put Roots for the Future" tender, promoted by the regional administration, with the ambition of making its territory the green corridor of Italy through the planting of four and a half million trees.

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Urban reforestation: two new peri-urban forests, for 1084 trees and shrubs and 9.000 square meters of surface area, were inaugurated in Sissa Trecasali (Parma)
“Bosco De Andrè” and “Bosco Maria Luigia” are the names of two new “green lungs” created in the Emilian countryside

Antonio Mortali: “Enhancing the numerous benefits of the ecosystem services of plantations”

“Thanks to the creation of these two new peri-urban woods, 1.084 trees and shrubs have been planted, with the formation of groves and wooded strips. The project is part of the policy of the Virtuous Municipalities and the KilometroVerdeParma Consortium and has the objective of enhancing the numerous benefits of the ecosystem services that these plantations give to citizens: environmental, contrasting urban heat islands, capturing pollutants, beautifying the rural landscape , of aggregation for the physical and mental well-being of the community", explained Antonio Mortali, Technical Director of the KilometroVerdeParma Forestry Consortium.

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Urban reforestation: two new peri-urban forests, for 1084 trees and shrubs and 9.000 square meters of surface area, were inaugurated in Sissa Trecasali (Parma)
It was the "Let's Put Roots for the Future" call that made the "Bosco De Andrè" and "Bosco Maria Luigia" projects possible

“Bosco delle Api”, “Bosco dei Maggiolini” and “Bosco delle Bellulele” the three recent additions

On Friday 22 March the new green lung with 2.054 trees was inaugurated, the result of the collaboration between the Municipality of Busseto, the Emilia-Romagna Region, the KilometroVerdeParma Forestry Consortium and the OlimpicoVerdiane Association, with an important economic contribution to the construction coming from Sicim , supporting member of the Consortium.
It all happened in the name of a mission, the "Park of Life", to underline the importance of protecting human well-being and the natural environment in a regenerated area thanks to the commitment of local institutions, citizens and businesses.
The initiative, which extends over a total area of ​​over one hectare, was made possible within the framework of the "Let's Put Roots for the Future" tender, promoted by the Emilia-Romagna Region.
The “Parco della Vita” today hosts three urban forests joined by pedestrian paths and called “Bosco delle Api”, “Bosco dei Maggiolini” and “Bosco delle Bellulele”.
Trees and shrubs such as juniper, blackthorn, dog rose, privet, elderberry, buckthorn and broom have been planted inside them, alongside native fruit and flower varieties and ornamental plants, all selected with the aim of promote biodiversity.
According to an estimate by the Consortium, over the next fifty years, the "Parco della Vita" will absorb 2.054 tons of CO2.

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Urban reforestation: two new peri-urban forests, for 1084 trees and shrubs and 9.000 square meters of surface area, were inaugurated in Sissa Trecasali (Parma)
9.000 square meters of afforested area thanks to a total of 1084 trees and shrubs planted in Sissa Trecasali

A tree-lined corridor along the 11 kilometers of the A1 motorway that cross the Parma area

KilometroVerdeParma is a concrete, widespread, tangible project aimed at everyone, which aims to create green areas and permanent forests in Parma and its province.
The idea was born in the summer of 2015 from the will of a group of people and from an intuition: to create a tree-lined corridor along the 11 kilometers of the A1 motorway that passes through Parma to redevelop the environment of one of the busiest motorway stretches in Italy. Europe.
From this first limited idea, KilometroVerdeParma has evolved and expanded, becoming the large reforestation project it is today.
Everyone can be part of it, regardless of whether they own land or not. All you need is a garden, a small area in which to plant a tree or some free time to dedicate to the project.
Anyone who wants to make their resources available, be they time, space or money, can make their contribution.
Behind the scenes of the project, with the aim of carrying it forward, defining the guidelines and coordinating all the people involved, there is the KilometroVerdeParma Social Enterprise Forestry Consortium, a non-profit organization established in May 2020.
The objective of the KilometroVerdeParma project and of those who created it is to take action on today's environment, involving as many people as possible, to create a model to be entrusted to tomorrow's generations.

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Urban reforestation: two new peri-urban forests, for 1084 trees and shrubs and 9.000 square meters of surface area, were inaugurated in Sissa Trecasali (Parma)
School children took part in the planting of 1084 trees and shrubs in the Parma municipality of Sissa Trecasali

Maria Paola Chiesi: “An increasingly healthy, livable and usable context for inhabitants and visitors”

“The Busseto forestation intervention is therefore one of the most complex from the point of view of planning and implementation, carried out with the support of a wide network of collaborations that believed in the project and in us”, ha sottolineato Maria Paola Chiesi, President of the KilometroVerdeParma Forestry Consortium.
“Two important objectives have been achieved: the creation of a new green lung capable of contributing to the mitigation of ongoing climate change and the birth of an oasis of biodiversity and urban greenery capable of making the context increasingly healthy, livable and usable by its inhabitants and visitors".

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The inauguration of the "Parco della Vita" of Busseto and its young woods

Urban reforestation: two new peri-urban forests, for 1084 trees and shrubs and 9.000 square meters of surface area, were inaugurated in Sissa Trecasali (Parma)
Two new peri-urban forests were inaugurated on March 26, 2024 in Sissa Trecasali, in the Italian province of Parma