Video, the "engine room" intended for the Leonardo supercomputer

The Big Data Technopole data center described by the project manager Stefania Piretti, Fabio Melloni of CINECA and Daniele Spada of Cefla

The Bologna "data center" for the Leonardo supercomputer
The 155 racks of the Leonardo supercomputer data center are located in a dedicated room inside the Big Data Technopole in Bologna

While waiting to gradually become familiar with the Leonardo supercomputer and its importance for the city of Bologna, it is worth discovering, thanks to CINECA, some more information on the data center that will host it inside the Big Data Technopole.
It is a "machine room" capable of hosting servers, storage, uninterruptible power supplies and other equipment relating to communication and the corporate information system.
It is a data processing center that allows you to store, monitor and manage machines and telecommunications systems.
In an ad hoc video, Daniele Spada, Project Manager of Cefla, the company that was responsible for the plant engineering, told how the structure that houses the new supercomputer was built.
Stefania Piretti, director of the works, and Fabio Melloni, operational director of the CINECA plants, instead showed the first racks and recounted the "green" choice that the Interuniversity Consortium for Automatic Calculation of North-Eastern Italy has decided to make in the spaces of the former tobacco factory.

The Technopole turns on the super computer to light up the future
The Bologna Technopole at the heart of the digital revolution
Video, the Bologna Technopole illustrated by Stefano Accorsi
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Fotogallery, the weather forecast infrastructure 4.0
Video, the timelapse works of the new European Weather Centre

The "data center" of the Bologna Technopole destined for the Leonardo supercomputer

The Leonardo supercomputer inside its building in the Big Data Technopole of Bologna
This is how the Leonardo supercomputer finds its place in a building of the former Manifattura Tabacchi in Bologna, which has become the Big Data Technopole