ArcheoVerso is the first ad hoc cultural project in virtuality

From the DigiLab Research Center of the Sapienza University of Rome and from CoopCulture the idea of ​​immersive digital realities for museums and exhibitions

ArcheoVerso: Giovanna Barni, Chief Executive Officer for Innovation and Development of CoopCulture, and Paola Buzi, Director at the DigiLab Research Center of the Sapienza University of Rome, have signed the agreement that kicks off the cultural project
Giovanna Barni, Chief Executive Officer for Innovation and Development of CoopCulture, and Paola Buzi, Director at the DigiLab Research Center of the Sapienza University of Rome, signed the agreement that kicked off the ArcheoVerso cultural project

With the signing of the agreement between DigiLab Research Center of the Sapienza University of Rome e CoopCulture, a new model of structured design collaboration between university and business is implemented.

This act integrates a process that has already begun, which sees the prestigious Capitoline university side by side and the famous cooperative in Venice Mestre, both members of the Center of Excellence of the Technological District of Culture of the Lazio Region, abbreviated as DTC, and united by an extended partnership within Mission 4 of the PNRR "Education and Research".

The innovative ArcheoVerso project fits into this scenario, which will see Coopculture and Digilab engaged in various phases of work over the next two years.

As users became more familiar with immersive digital experiences, museums and other cultural organizations have had the opportunity to make virtual reality available to them to bring their collections and exhibitions to life.

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Exploring the potential of Metaversi, AR and VR to relaunch cultural heritage

Several international research groups have explored the possibilities of digital in the cultural field, but the possible positive impact of the Metaverse on the cultural world for the implementation of innovative projects remains to be discovered.

ArcheoVerso aims to explore the potential of digital universes for the enhancement of material and immaterial cultural heritage, developing a methodological and technological ecosystem for the creation, use, interaction in immersive and augmented reality, as well as for the formulation of economic sustainability solutions for projects focused on metaverses.

The project includes various activities, which can be summarized briefly: the definition of the most suitable technologies to make the user experience in the digital metaverse varied and interesting, including the creation of a scalable platform aimed at creating and virtual; the development of service packages for the enhancement of the identified place of culture.

And again: the construction of the activity within the virtual environment for the involvement and management of the public with a community-centred approach; the development of educational services on issues relating to technology, "cultural heritage" and social innovation (services provided freemium, i.e. partly free of charge and partly for a fee).

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ArcheoVerso: the cultural project will use the Case Romane del Celio, an ancient Roman residential complex, still little known even if behind the Colosseum, for the two-year experimental phase
The ArcheoVerso cultural project will use the Case Romane del Celio, an ancient Roman residential complex, still little known although behind the Colosseum, for the two-year experimental phase

The Roman Case del Celio, close to the Colosseum, chosen for the two-year experimental phase

For the first planning phase and the development of the prototype, a place of culture was chosen which will make it possible to monitor the results one year after its implementation and therefore to be replicated and made scalable at a national level.

We are talking about the Case Romane del Celio, an ancient Roman residential complex, still little known even if behind the Colosseum.

A non-random choice but dictated by the desire to study a more widespread use of the city's cultural heritage and thus favor the decongesting of the area around the most visited monument in Italy.

A site, therefore, able to fit into various elements of strategic development: smart mobility, enhancement of secondary paths, creation of support and development communities.

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ArcheoVerso: Giovanna Barni, Chief Executive Officer for Innovation and Development of CoopCulture, and Paola Buzi, Director at the DigiLab Research Center of the Sapienza University of Rome, have signed the agreement that kicks off the cultural project
Giovanna Barni, Chief Executive Officer for Innovation and Development of CoopCulture, and Paola Buzi, Director at the DigiLab Research Center of the Sapienza University of Rome, signed the agreement that kicked off the ArcheoVerso cultural project

Paola Buzi: "A 'mixed' environment, remotely and in presence, to enrich normal visits"

“The agreement stipulated with CoopCulture for the development of the ArcheoVerso project represents a happy novelty in the relationship between research centers and companies. DigiLab is delighted to promote a model that hopefully will also find application in other research realities and sincerely thanks CoopCulture for the trust placed, which allows us to start a pioneering experience", said Paola Buzi, Director at the DigiLab.

“In concrete terms, virtual and real experiences applied to a selected number of places of culture will be integrated in ArcheoVerso. For each site or museum identified, a virtual environment will be created that can be used both remotely and in presence, to support and not replace the normal visit process, integrating a series of services, via digital, otherwise not normally usable. In short, a real archaeological metaverse”.

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ArcheoVerso: Giovanna Barni, Chief Executive Officer for Innovation and Development of CoopCulture, and Paola Buzi, Director at the DigiLab Research Center of the Sapienza University of Rome, have signed the agreement that kicks off the cultural project
Giovanna Barni, Chief Executive Officer for Innovation and Development of CoopCulture, and Paola Buzi, Director at the DigiLab Research Center of the Sapienza University of Rome, signed the agreement that kicked off the ArcheoVerso cultural project

Giovanna Barni: "A market value of over 750 billion dollars is already estimated in 2026"

“The objective shared with DigiLab is an analysis and enhancement of the quality of the use of interactions within the metaversal spaces. We want to make the advantages deriving from the presence of cultural entities in the metaverse accessible, enhancing the relational aspects and the possible economic impact"Said Giovanna Barni, Chief Executive Officer for Innovation and Development of CoopCulture.

“It is a market that, according to today's estimates, will reach over 750 billion dollars in 2026, between technological implementations and induced activities deriving from virtual activities, where the cultural element is not currently represented. Thanks to our work, it will be possible to create scalable models on a national scale".

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ArcheoVerso: the cultural project will use the Case Romane del Celio, an ancient Roman residential complex, still little known even if behind the Colosseum, for the two-year experimental phase
The ArcheoVerso cultural project will use the Case Romane del Celio, an ancient Roman residential complex, still little known although behind the Colosseum, for the two-year experimental phase