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SEO Mini Guide for Entrepreneurs: The Basics

Do-It-Yourself SEO? No agency? Let's start gradually and try together to build a worktop that really works! 

You are in a small reality that cannot afford a person responsible for creating content and a campaign communication designed for search engines? Need some advice for an initial business boost, but yours budget is limited?

We have developed one easy-to-read mini guide for you, an entrepreneur with a thousand things to do every day, that you have also decided to take care of the aspect of online communication.

Before you begin, you need to understand why you're doing this: you have to position your content on search engines to get within the first results of Google with the keywords most relevant to your business.

these results, which are never "instantaneous" and measurable immediately, must be obtained through a careful search for the right keywords, the drafting of interesting contents and a careful site building work that takes into consideration a series of fundamental parameters, including which we certainly mention the page loading speed and the adaptivity of the page.

First tip: search for keywords related to your business

Your site must be filled with content is enrich the pages and provide useful and necessary information about your business. The images, however useful, perform a contour function.

What content to use? Use tools like Google's autocomplete searches (Free) or SEOZoom (for a fee) to identify which are the most frequent (and least competitive) searches for your product. Find the right formulas and the exact words with which to enrich the contents of your site to create the right interaction formulas with search engines and with the user. A list will not help you: integrate everything into a complete article.

Second tip: be consistent

Le keyword they are fabulous, but without a consistent publishing schedule it is difficult to get the attention of users and search engines. Before proceeding to the site population, evaluate a constant and profitable content creation plan, using relevant search queries that will help you capture the right interest.

Third tip: use synonyms

No one likes to read the same keyword over and over again. Use synonyms and attached and connected words to find a balance in the contents, avoiding repetitions and redundancies.

Fourth tip: paid hosting

Do you want your site to return the investment of time and effort? Hosting is a physical and virtual place where your website is located and anyone can access it with a click. Paid hosting allows you to have a dedicated area, without added advertising, with the capacity to host information and traffic according to what you pay. The loading speed of the pages also depends on this factor (and on some site building factors). Nobody wants to visit a site that loads slowly!

Do you have any other tips to give to your colleagues who want to experiment with content curation on their own? Let us know what your number one priority is and the tip that got you the most results.

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